Holding off other important things like getting a regular job already, we have worked on this web site for a good year now. Our vision was a comprehensive wedding web site that documented every detail of the wedding for the guests to see while sharing the experience with the public. Today, we have a self-sustaining wedding web site that pays for itself and the main pixelsplasher.com web site through advertisements. Everyday, it draws an average of 275 page views, perhaps by visitors planning their own weddings. We thank you, dear visitor, for visiting this site and supporting us by visiting the sponsors' web sites in the advertisements. We are proud to have yet see other custom-designed wedding web sites of this detail and size. Most couples lose their interest in finishing their wedding web sites after the wedding.
Part of the wedding project is the editing of our wedding video. Although there was a single-camera edit provided by the video studio that we hired, we have higher expectations for ourselves in terms of editing style and music scoring so I am still editing our own wedding video that includes the extra shots by two videographer friends. It's probably not as professional as those by super expensive video studios but I've edited it as best as I can. Every video clip finished and uploaded to YouTube announces the wedding web site address at the end frame and invites more visitors.
People may be thinking that we are wasting our lives away, but we've always felt that we are doing something more worthwhile than working everyday for a living, something that bonds our marriage and make the memory of our wedding day more vivid to remember. We can not abandon this now. There's one last mile to go and it will soon be finished. We hope that our experience in this project will be a stepping stone to business or job opportunities. After this, we shall be ready to create web sites for others but this time for a living.