One More Flower Girl and a Bible Bearer

posted by Wendell on 25 May 2008 at

We'd like to announce the inclusion of one more Flower Girl into the entourage. Her name is Allison Auman, eldest daughter of Wendell's cousin, Israel. This after a decision to fully occupy the rented entourage gown set, which is provided for three Flower Girls and three Bearer boys. Vance Sydney Molijon has finally been chosen as Bible Bearer, after a couple of false starts. He was once chosen as Ring Bearer and another instance as replacement for his elder brother, Kent, who got almost fired for sporting a long hair. We don't mind long hair as long as it is groomed neatly.

Since Vance is quiet large, we're planning to have him carry a large white Holy Bible kept by my father for more than twenty years. It is rather thick and heavy. We'll see if it is practical or Vance will come out too comedic.

We've been printing a lot more invitation cards today, mostly for Wendell's guests.
