Wedding Video: Wedding Ceremony, Part I (Scrutiny, Exchange of Consent, Confirmation of the Marriage Bond, and Blessing of the Arrhae and Rings)
posted by Wendell on 10 January 2009 at
This is another series of videos documenting the wedding rituals that bond us into husband and wife. Essentially, it is the core event of the wedding day and should not be omitted from being released in this web site. That's something we pondered upon: to show or not to show this since it might only be of interest to us. On second thought, the world needs to see what a traditional wedding rite is like in the Philippines in its entirety.
Hearing the poorly recorded sound obscured in deep echoes gives us a feeling of loss as this is something we can never record back or restore to crystal clarity. Ideally, several professional microphones have to be strategically placed in the church to record both loudspeaker sounds and ambience in separate channels. We were only able to capture what was picked up by the video cameras' built-in sound recorder which resulted to a poor speech soundtrack. Blame it on low budget wedding videography.
Watch the video
Aside from the video, we have new and improved pages in the website:
- First Readings, Bible Scriptures and Gospel Readings for Catholic Weddings. Examples of text for the First Reading and the Holy Gospel during wedding liturgies. These are recommended by the Catholic church.
- Sample Wedding Missalette. Also serving as a transcript of our wedding liturgy, many wedding planners will find this useful. The traditional words in this missalette are copied from the one issued by the Redemptorist Catholic church, to be strictly followed in respect of the sacrament of the Holy Matrimony. Tears at weddings are nice, but let us have no more of that melodrama and romantic wordings of modern weddings.
- Emcee Script. We found out from our website statistics that many are searching for wedding reception programmes so we are throwing this in.
- Invitation Card Design. Descriptions have been added with more images of the final invitation card design including the old-fashioned Tribell embossed cover.